Internet Strategy for Small Business Owners

In these hard times we have some good news for you…

As a business owner you must have a dozen questions about Internet Marketing.

Why should I go in for Internet Marketing?

How will Internet Marketing benefit me?

Where do I begin Internet Marketing?

Can I do Internet Marketing by myself?

What is SEO?

How does it work?

And much more….

We at GMRWebTeam receive hundreds of such queries. Ajay, President of GMR Web Team has compiled all such queries into a strategy guide in the form of a ebook named

Seven Steps to Internet Strategy.

This book serves as a guideline for small business owners to begin with their website business. It tells them what is important and why and how it can be done.

You can download this ebook for FREE at

However, this book is simply a guideline. To answer in-depth queries I will be discussing aspects of this book on the GMR blog here each Monday.

Not only this. If you have any personal questions about internet marketing you can contact us at with the subject line “Internet Marketing Query”. We will respond to your mail.

Make the best of this hour.


Sangeeta Kumar

Sangeeta Kumar is the Vice President of Web Marketing for GMR Web Team, a global online marketing, strategy, development and maintenance agency. Sangeeta is a jack-of-all-trades kinda person in the world of Internet marketing, excelling in market research to come up with a strategy based on the latest trends to get a website on page 1. She knows her stuff and enjoys a good discussion on SEO anywhere, anytime.

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