Google Tests New Mobile Interface: Last Week in Search & Social

We are back with our #GMRWT weekly Search & Social roundup of the headlines that made news last week in search marketing, analytics and social media. It seemed like the last week focused mainly on how to improve the mobile experience better.

Scroll down for your bite of news that you might have missed last week.


Google is always looking for ways to make its mobile user interface better and user friendly. Last week also, it was in the course of testing a new look for its mobile search results that included oversized headers and more.

Google last week added one more functionality in its mobile search results carousel. The carousel will now feature Pinterest pins, Houzz idea books, vines or your favorite food network recipes as well.


The Google Analytics Academy announced Google Tag Manager Fundamentals – a new course for marketers, analysts and developers to learn Google Tag Manager and how you can use it efficiently to simplify the tag implementation.

If you are new to Google Analytics or haven’t used it and want to learn the basics, Kristi Hines has a whole blog post for you.

Social Media

Facebook testing Lead ads for simplifying mobile form signups

Facebook announced last week that it is testing Lead ads – a totally new way to simplify mobile signups easier and cut extra clutter by populating contact information directly from people’s Facebook profile.

Posts you wouldn’t want to miss!

Spammy Structured Markup Penalty & Recovery – Use Schema Markup with Caution!

Whether you know or not but Google is also issuing manual penalty for incorrect implementation of structured data markup on your site. Here is a great advice from Tony Edward on how to avoid a Google penalty if you are implementing the Schema Markup wrong.

Is click through rate a ranking signal?

AJ Kohn explores the possibilities of whether Google considers Click-Through-Rate [CTR] as a ranking signal or not.

How Google May Classify Sites as Low Quality Sites

In the wake of the quality update from Google, here is a great analysis by Bill Slawski over a Google Patent that explores how Google may use links pointing to a site to label it as “Low Quality” and lower its rankings.


Ajay Prasad

Ajay Prasad is the Founder and President of GMR Web Team, a leading healthcare digital marketing agency. He guides small and medium size healthcare practices/businesses in customizing their online marketing strategy, focused on building a loyal base of patients and improving their patient acquisition. Ajay believes in an improved patient experience as the key to successful healthcare business, which can be accomplished with the right marketing plan in place.

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