Self Employment Vs Job

With the unprecedented growth explosion of e-commerce, retailing and the expansion of the internet marketplace, an overwhelming number of opportunities for starting an online business have emerged. Yet, the question remains: should you take up a job or start an online business? A working job requires less responsibility than owning an online business, solely because the business’s future is not in your hands as an employee, but does not necessarily allow you to do what...

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How Local Businesses Can Benefit from Facebook Collections

Facebook is testing a new feature dubbed "Collections," which has the potential to add a whole new level of depth to the social media gargantuan. When participating businesses create a Collections post, viewers have the option to "Want," "Collect," or "Like" the item. Wanting the item adds it to a wishlist, while collecting or liking it will add it to the user's saved products list. This new feature offers some of the same functionality as sites like Amazon, Google+ and Pinterest, which is why they're unveiling it to begin with. Small...

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Google Is Cutting 5 Products: What Does It Mean?

As Google shuts down five more of its products and services, the list of recent service closures within the company rises to thirty as the business continues to streamline. The five that are being terminated are iGoogle, Google Video, Google Symbian Search App, Google Mini and Google Talk Chatback. While three of the services did not constitute such a large chunk of the empire, the two major changes are seen as Google shuts down iGoogle and Google Video. The former will be phased out between now and November 2013 and is concession to the...

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What Twitter’s Redesigned Discover Tab Means for Local Businesses

It’s been about a month now since Twitter started rolling out its redesigned Discover tab, and I think we’re all still trying to figure out what this means for businesses, especially local ones. Focused on making the Twitter experience as relevant and personalized for each user as possible, the retooled Discover tab displays popular articles and breaking stories via Twitter’s real-time search technology that it thinks will interest you the most - based on your interests and location. And of course, the more you use...

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5 Tips to Get Started on Pinterest

Make Peoples’ Jaws Drop The best pinboards for your brand are those that catch peoples’ attention quickly. An effective strategy is to think of every possible aspect of your business that could translate into a pinboard topic, remembering that Pi. For instance, an Orange County web site design firm can create a pinboard that is comprised of screenshots of unique and well-designed webpages...

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Instagram Schminstagram… It’s Time To Use Flixel!

If you haven't heard the name Flixel, take note of it now, because in a few months it's going to be huge. This innovative photography iPhone app allows anyone to create beautiful pictures that have lives of their own.

The interface is simple: you take a picture, and with a few simple taps and swipes on the screen of the Flixel iPhone app, you can manipulate the picture and add motion to the image. Candles can flicker, hair can gently blow in the wind, and pages can flutter. All this in a matter of minutes. In the past, such...

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5 Ways to Put Some FUN Into Your Internet Marketing Campaign

Internet marketing can be boring, BUT it can be fun, too. Add some jazz to your campaign and watch as your customers get out of their seats and join in on the action. Get Your Social On Social media is quickly becoming one of the most important ways of introducing your business to and engaging your customers. While Facebook has been getting all the attention in this regard, Twitter has picked up steam fast and Pinterest is gaining ground too. By posting tweets relevant to your niche,...

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Increase Your YouTube Subscribers: The Power of Video Marketing

YouTube is the largest video sharing website and is second only to Facebook as being the most popular website in the world. It is a misconception that YouTube is just for funny videos of teenagers looking for fame. Many businesses, from insurance companies to grocery chains, utilize video marketing on YouTube to better promote their products and services.

Having a successful website strategy can help you develop...

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