Be Warned of the Cons of Social Media Marketing

In our last post we put a compiled list of the pros of SMM to enable you to reach your objective for online marketing. In this post we cover the cons. We believe (and hope you do too) that knowing the cons will reduce the number of mistakes you are going to make!


  • Information on the social web moves fast, but often at the expense of deeper personal relationships. Marketers, while they can reach customers...

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Social Media Marketing Pros Compiled

Earlier the question was Should we do social media marketing" Now the question is what platform is suitable for social media marketing. SMM works best when combined with offsite marketing and helps cut down offsite marketing costs by continuing with the hype created by the offsite initiative online.

Compiled below is a list of social media marketing pros. Once you have them in a single place it is easier to chalk out your social...

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Online Marketing Trends for Businesses in 2011

The year 2010 was the year of social media. Social media consolidated its position and by the end of the year major search engines admitted that their algorithm took into account the visibility of a website link on the profiles of the famous and the popular!

The year 2011 will be the year of mobile applications. Internet access via mobiles will increase. Mobile browsers on the other hand will display search results based on location. So ensure your website is a part and parcel of those applications especially if you are in retail,...

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Do You Need a Spanish Version for Your Website?

The unofficial results of the census have resulted in a hullabaloo amongst internet marketers. Everyone is asking the same question- should we have a Spanish version of the website"

To quote a popular article eMarketer expects the Hispanic online population to grow by nearly 10 million people between 2010 and 2014.

The above data shows the estimated number of users from Hispanic population segment by the year 2014.

The crucial point is how to integrate this piece of information with your

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Who is on the Social Media and Where

If your business is primarily B2C you need to be where your customers are.  All arguments about not having the time or money take a back seat when you actually know where your customers are. has come out with statistics on social media behavior. The statistics are primarily based on US demographics.

The surprising result is the young and tech savvy below 30 crowd’s presence is as strong as the 35 to 45 year crowd.

Here is a breakdown of where to find your consumers as per the age...

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Making Market Testing and Analyzing a part of your Internet Strategy

Overnight online success is extremely rare. Most successes are a culmination of the testing, analyzing, improving and testing cycle.
If you really want online success, or even offline success, then you must understand the importance of correct marketing testing.

Ask yourself these questions as a starting point:

  1. Do I have a website strategy?
  2. What is my ROI on each strategy?
  3. Am I you split testing your content?
  4. Is tracking installed on each page of my

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When Should You Fire Your Website Designer

When he doesn’t know your business. You may say that it isn’t his job. But you are wrong. Your online business is not a wild crazy idea, but a source of your income. Trust the right people to design your website. Your 17 year old nephew may be able to create your website or you can get a free one from several services…they might even be kind of pretty. In my research and experience, less than 2% of businesses that have websites have planted the seeds to online success. Many of them are your competitors.

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