What Can You Expect After a FUE Hair Transplant?

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Emil Shakov, MD

3 July 2023
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Losing hair can be a frustrating experience, especially when it affects one's self-confidence and appearance. Hair loss is a major concern among individuals aged 18 to 50 in the United States. According to a study, the percentage of men with mild to extensive hair loss has risen. The percentage of men with receding hairlines increases from 16% between the ages of 18 and 29 to 53% between the ages of 40 and 49.

Follicular Unit Extraction, the acronym for FUE, is a minimally invasive hair transplant procedure, which is common among those looking for natural-looking hair restoration as it is minimally invasive and produces no linear scars. From the initial recovery period to the long-term benefits of the procedure, this post will explore what individuals can expect after an FUE transplant.

FUE Transplantation: Blending the Basics

FUE hair transplantation is a method that entails removing hair follicles from a hairy area of the scalp (donor area) typically in the back of the head and implanting them in places of hair thinning or bald regions. Specific hair follicles are extracted during an FUE transplant using a specialized tool and then meticulously inserted into small incisions in the recipient region. The freshly transplanted hair follicles develop and merge naturally with surrounding hair, giving the appearance of a fuller hair. FUE transplant is a secure and reliable option for people who want to regrow hair in areas that are thinning, bald, or to lower the hairline and feel more confident.

What to Expect After the First Night of FUE Hair Transplantation?

On the first night after the FUE hair transplantation, patients may experience discomfort, swelling, and some pain in the treated area. In addition to possible bleeding, redness, and inflammation in the donor and recipient regions, the scalp can appear sore and sensitive. You might also feel rigidity, numbness, or itching in your head. Patients may require over the counter Tylenol or ice to take care of the discomfort and if feeling pain may require pain medication. Flexible cold packs or cold compress on the scalp can also help ease pain and decrease swelling. Consider taking the following precautions for better results.

  • Avoid scratching and rubbing the treated areas
  • Avoid scratching and rubbing the treated areas
  • Follow the surgeon's post-operative instructions
  • Avoid strenuous activity for seven days

What to Expect After the First Week of FUE Hair Transplantation?

Your scalp will still be in its recovery period after the first week of FUE hair transplantation, and there will be a few adjustments and precautions to take. Even though the skin might not feel as sensitive, it could still have some irritation, swelling, and scabbing. The transplanted strands may begin to fall out, a normal component of the healing process. The surgeon will advise you on what to anticipate during this stage.

However, follow these safety measures to prevent problems and maintain great outcomes.

  • Avoid strenuous activity or heavy lifting for at least another week or until cleared by the surgeon
  • Avoid excessive scratching, friction, or picking that could hurt or harm the skin
  • Avoid harsh chemicals or hair products that irritate the scalp; gently wash the scalp with the recommended shampoo
  • Do not use a hairdryer or apply any heat to the head
  • Attend follow-up consultations with the hair transplant physician to track the recovery and ensure the transplanted follicles are developing normally
  • Be patient and follow the surgeon's post-operative instructions for the best results

What Can You Expect in the First Three Months?

It could take up to three months for the transplanted hairs to sprout after the first week of FUE hair transplantation. In this period, you can anticipate the following—

  • Hair growth experience: In the first month, the transplanted hairs may fall out completely, a normal part of the process. However, the hair follicles could become active by the third month, and new hair should start growing. By the end of the third month, the hair growth should become more noticeable.
  • What to perform: During this phase, it is crucial to continue following the surgeon's post-operative directions, including gently washing with a recommended shampoo, avoiding direct sunlight, and donning loose-fitting headwear to protect the wound.

Experience in 3-6 Months

The transplanted hair follicles should start to mature and generate more hair after 3 to 6 months of an FUE hair transplant. As some hair follicles mature more quickly than others, the hair growth may look patchy or uneven during this period. However, the hair growth should appear more natural and fuller by the end of the sixth month.

The transplanted hair follicles should start to mature and generate more hair after 3 to 6 months of an FUE hair transplant. As some hair follicles mature more quickly than others, the hair growth may look patchy or uneven during this period. However, the hair growth should appear more natural and fuller by the end of the sixth month.

Last 6-12 Months

After 6-12 months, the transplanted hair follicles completely mature, producing new hair. The newly implanted hair appears normal and blends with the scalp's native hair. You can expect a natural-looking hairline and thick, full hair development.

Follow the instructions below to attain lasting results—

  • Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner
  • Avoid excessive heat styling or hair treatments
  • Attend any follow-up appointments with the surgeon to monitor the progress of the hair growth
  • Sustain a healthy diet and workout regularly to promote hair growth
  • Consider additional hair treatments, such as PRP therapy, to maintain the health of the transplanted hair

How Long Does FUE Transplantation Last?

FUE hair transplantation is a permanent solution for hair loss. The transplanted hair follicles are taken from a donor area where the hair is genetically programmed to continue growing, so the transplanted hair will continue to grow naturally for the rest of the patient's life.

Cost of FUE Hair Transplantation

FUE hair transplant cost can differ based on several variables, such as the patient's location, the surgeon's credibility and level of experience, the number of grafts needed, and the extent of hair loss. The average expense of an FUE hair transplantation session ranges from $4,000 to $15,000. The price per graft can vary from $4 to $10, depending on the requirement. It's essential to remember that choosing a hair transplant surgeon with training and experience who can accomplish the intended results securely and efficiently is crucial, and it shouldn't just be based on how much an FUE hair transplant will cost.

Revive Your Hairline with Ever-Lasting FUE Solutions

FUE hair transplantation is a modern, effective treatment for hair loss with natural-looking results. While the procedure is relatively safe and minimally invasive, taking the necessary measures to ensure an effective outcome is critical. These safety measures entail avoiding strenuous activities and intense sunlight, using gentle hair products, and leading a healthy lifestyle. With proper care and patience, FUE hair transplantation can provide a long-lasting solution for hair loss and restore a patient's confidence and self-esteem.


Emil Shakov, MD

Dr. Emil Shakov, MD, FACS, is the founder of the New Jersey Hair Restoration Center, specializing in advanced surgical techniques for hair restoration and hair loss treatment. He is a board-certified aesthetic surgeon with expertise in GI, Bariatrics, Minimally Invasive Surgery, and aesthetic procedures.

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