Ideally, patients visit a dentist twice a year to maintain a good oral hygiene routine. We conducted a survey to find out how frequently patients throughout the US consulted a dentist. Here we discuss the findings of the survey and the conclusions that we can draw from it.
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Technology is evolving every day, and with most patients using the internet to find a dental practice, keywords are the key to attracting more patients to your clinic. So are you making optimal use of this technology for prospective patients to find you easily? Are you using the right keywords to target your desired audience? What are the best keywords that will make your practice rank well on search engines? The answer to these questions lies in ranking well on the “near me” keywords.
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For dental practices, digital marketing matters more than ever before, as 74.6% of patients perform online searches to look for a dentist. Digital dental marketing can help dentists to strengthen ties with existing patients and also bring in new patients. You might have many goals concerning where you want to be and how much you should have earned in the next five years as a leading dental care provider. However, to achieve your goals, you must have a flexible and in-depth marketing plan. You won’t get desired results if you don’t have an effective marketing plan in place.
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Telehealth is a broader term used to define all medical services, and health education delivered digitally. In the last decade, the telemedicine industry has grown steadily. According to Global Market Insights, the market size in 2019 was around $45 billion and is projected to grow to more than $175 billion by 2026.
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With the rise of the internet, it is becoming increasingly competitive for dental practices across America. Being a great dentist is not enough, and many dental practices need to implement a digital marketing plan to acquire more patients. While some practices choose to do marketing themselves or not at all, many practices do choose to work with dental marketing consultants who help them grow and expand their patient base.
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If you are a healthcare provider offering quality healthcare services to families and communities, you need to make sure you are reaching out to the right patients. To do so, you need to understand the importance of targeting the right healthcare keywords. These keywords play an important role in determining how patients will find you on search.
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Healthcare also has been drastically influenced and revolutionized by technology over the years. One of the most striking evolutions in this regard has been telemedicine. Telemedicine allows healthcare and medical professionals to diagnose and evaluate patients remotely utilizing telecommunications technology.
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We being a healthcare marketing agency, are regularly interacting with leading healthcare professionals, and the emergence of COVID-19 has left us all with more questions than answers. You also must be hearing from various governmental agencies that it is best for you to isolate yourself and not leave the house, except for essential activities like going to the grocery store.
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In the current COVID-19 crisis, telemedicine and telehealth services have emerged as a practical way of delivering quality care and improving practice operations. Although both telemedicine and telehealth services are used interchangeably, they are actually not the same.
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Referrals are extremely important when it comes to the growth of your dental practice. Data from a “Trust in Advertising” survey found that 83% of respondents trust the opinions of those close to them, and 66% trust online opinions. These are huge pools of new patients that your dental practice can take advantage of.
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