5 Trending Web Designs That Tech Companies Should Know About

There has been a push as of late to simplify web design for the lay viewer in order to make the page less cluttered, more exciting and more interactive. Here are some trends that tech companies should keep an eye on: Data Integration Designers are now integrating interactive data visualizations directly into the HTML coding instead of uploading relevant data information to a coded site for display. In...

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How to Get Your Blog Noticed

Blogging is a tough art to master. You can write the most fascinating, thought-provoking content, but without readers, what's the point? Popularizing your blog is crucial to the success of your blog. Fortunately, there are simple things you can do to fortify its reputation and increase its viewership.

Maintain a professional look. Keep a clean, professional design for your blog that complements your writing style. A well-kept blog page will convey to readers how seriously you take your blog, and an intelligent...

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Social Media Outline

  • Keep it Short and Sweet!
    • Attention spans, especially online, are non-existent, and thus readers must be lured in by a powerful title and strong opening sentence.
      • 5-7 seconds
    • Most of the time, people will go to a different site after reading the first few sentences, so it is extremely important to make sure you convey the most important points at the top of the article.
    • Also, a shorter article with 4...

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