Web 2015: Design Trends That Would Rule Viewer’s Heart

Staying up to date on internet trends is important for web designers, especially when clients want to convey a cutting edge image. Some of the web design trends for 2015 are a continuation of developing trends from the previous year. Here are the most important current trends.

Responsive Web Design

This cross-platform design technique for desktop and mobile websites is still a time saver that eliminates the need for two...

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4 Tips to Stay Ahead of Competitors in PPC

If there are any lessons to be learned, or even advantages to be gained from tough times for businesses, then it's an increased awareness not only of what customers want, but what your direct competitors may be doing better than you.

It doesn't matter how brilliant a single PPC campaign of yours might be, or how effective it was in turning clicks into clients, you can bet your next quarter's profits that the...

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