How to Maximize Returns from Your PPC Marketing Budget

Pay Per Click marketing strategies are still viable even with the presence of content marketing, mobile marketing, and other areas of emerging marketing trends. In fact, PPC is even more important because it can go hand in hand with your content, which can result in higher ROI and net conversions. However, any business using PPC, no matter the platform, needs to make sure they look into PPC...

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How to Avoid Web Design Disasters and Welcome Visitors to Your Site

The Internet has brought many very interesting tasks and considerations into the business world. It is an odd place where amazing sites, such as one that provide instruction and inspiration, reside in the same space as sites that are parasitic and harmful. It can make it very difficult for visitors to know which sites are serious and which are scams.

As a business, this is something that you have to keep in mind when designing your site.

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Google AdWords to Remove Untapped Entities from Your Account

With the onset of March 23, 2015, Google AdWords will start removing all those ads which have not accumulated a single impression or have been removed for more than 100 days. This announcement featured on AdWords Help Center also states that once such ads are removed, you won’t be able to access them at all.

This move by AdWords will end the complexities of your AdWords account so that you can have a...

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Call-Only Ad: A New Feature in Google AdWords

Google AdWords has added a new ad type called “Call-only Ad” recently for some of the accounts. The new ad type will help advertisers put their own phone numbers into the ad. This will enable call the business directly. Now, with this new feature mobile advertisers have an option to create Call Only Ads in their account, which will give them a more precise way to manage click to call conversions for their account.

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7 Tips for Offering an Outstanding E-Commerce Customer Service

As online customer reviews begin to overshadow traditional marketing, good reviews can help boost your business. That's why it's important to make sure your e-commerce website design is as user-friendly as possible. Here are some tips to protect your online reputation.

Review your customer service history

By revisiting old messages with customers, you can develop an idea of what your strengths and weaknesses are...

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Tips to Boost Customer Enagement on Your Social Media Profile

The number of people actively using social media has exceeded two billion, according to the latest research conducted by Facebook. It's not just posting fun photographs and communicating with school friends that makes people want to log in but also, the fact that social networks are now a powerful tool for business. From getting likes on business-related posts to gaining followers through consistent interaction, it's easy to connect with customers on a more personal level through networks like Facebook, Twitter...

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