Making Market Testing and Analyzing a part of your Internet Strategy

Overnight online success is extremely rare. Most successes are a culmination of the testing, analyzing, improving and testing cycle.
If you really want online success, or even offline success, then you must understand the importance of correct marketing testing.

Ask yourself these questions as a starting point:

  1. Do I have a website strategy?
  2. What is my ROI on each strategy?
  3. Am I you split testing your content?
  4. Is tracking installed on each page of my website?
  5. Am I monitoring my squeeze pages? If yes, Am I monitoring the results scientifically like following modifications of term and phrases, content and layout and other 2.0 web techniques? Which pages gives give me better returns? Can you analyze why?
  6. Which form placement works better?
  7. What site links are better exchanges?
  8. Do I know the unique visitors, hits, time spent, page hit, etc., etc., etc. for your website?
  9. Do you know all the measures for your website traffic?


This is just the beginning.

Scientifically track headlines, home page, navigation settings, Changes in pictures and graphics, location of certain offers, features, buttons, etc.

Monitor your links- both incoming and outgoing and your automated business functions and above all your list building and lead generation methods.

Always update your prospect and customer communication system and shopping cart.

In his free report on testing Ajay talks about some of the tracking measures and following the visitor profile.
Here are some of the tracking measures you should be talking to your web designer/builder about. In fact, they should be talking to you about these things. If you have to bring them up you are already in trouble, with a capital T.
How many visitors are coming to the site?
How many of the visitors aren’t visitors (i.e. spiders, crawlers, etc. from search engines)
How many visitors are new vs. old?
How long does each visitor stay on your site?
What does each visitor look at?
What graphics, words, pictures, etc are generating the most responses?
Which search engines are getting you the best prospects?
Where else are your customers coming from
How many pages does the visitor look at?
What are your website rankings?
How much money have you made from the average visitor?
Who are your biggest money-making customers?
If you use PPC is it working and paying for itself?
Which links are bringing your visitors and are they converting to customers?
And so on...”

FUNDAMENTAL:  your website should bring in more money than
it costs to maintain it!


Some Tools:

Website Traffic Related:
Google Analytics

Split Testing Tools (paid) (free if using analytics version)

Market Testing Tools and Websites

Google Insights (free)
Google Trends (free)
Survey Monkey (free and paid)
Dneero (paid)


Ajay Prasad

Ajay Prasad is the Founder and President of GMR Web Team, a leading healthcare digital marketing agency. He guides small and medium size healthcare practices/businesses in customizing their online marketing strategy, focused on building a loyal base of patients and improving their patient acquisition. Ajay believes in an improved patient experience as the key to successful healthcare business, which can be accomplished with the right marketing plan in place.

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