Instagram Schminstagram… It’s Time To Use Flixel!

If you haven't heard the name Flixel, take note of it now, because in a few months it's going to be huge. This innovative photography iPhone app allows anyone to create beautiful pictures that have lives of their own.

The interface is simple: you take a picture, and with a few simple taps and swipes on the screen of the Flixel iPhone app, you can manipulate the picture and add motion to the image. Candles can flicker, hair can gently blow in the wind, and pages can flutter. All this in a matter of minutes. In the past, such images would take hours to create, and usually required familiarity with Photoshop. Now, the power of beautiful, subtle image manipulation is at everyone's fingertips.

This is the time when small business owners should utilize Flixel - right now, before it becomes a household name. Currently, there's nothing like it available on the web and it creates lovely, eye-catching images. For example, a website design firm that uses Flixel-made images will show that they possess not only good taste, but an eye for technology trends. For a local search marketing company, advertisements using Flixel would undoubtedly catch the reader's eye, and help them think of the advertised businesses in a very positive light. There are endless possibilities, it's really a lot of fun and you could be a leader in the next wave of app stardom.

For past two weeks, the Internet has been ablaze with news of Facebook's purchase of Instagram, which I'm sure you're sick of just like myself. People were furious about the buy-out and vowed to leave Instagram if changes were made to the site or their images. But they may leave anyway - Flixel features color manipulation templates that are comparable to Instagrams', but Instagram can't compete when it comes to the beautiful movement of cinematographic Flixel images. While there are many iPhone apps dedicated to editing images out there, this is one that requires and inspires creativity at the point of capturing the shot, not just after the shot by applying filter effects.


Ajay Prasad

Ajay Prasad is the Founder and President of GMR Web Team, a leading healthcare digital marketing agency. He guides small and medium size healthcare practices/businesses in customizing their online marketing strategy, focused on building a loyal base of patients and improving their patient acquisition. Ajay believes in an improved patient experience as the key to successful healthcare business, which can be accomplished with the right marketing plan in place.

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